Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
A four button remote transmitter. Product Number: 566
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
A two button remote transmitter. Product Number: 565
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege RF-REM2-433-HID 2 Button Wiegand Fob with HID Proximity Tag
A two button remote transmitter with integrated HID proximity. Product Number: 564.
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
EM4100 tumbler proximity keytag, blue. Product Number: 176
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
Proximity Card door access swipe card, dimensions: 86mm x 54mm x 1mm. Product Number: 177
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
Silkey mounted on keytag. Product Number: 178
Product discontinued. Call for info.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT PRX-SWB-MF-W-M Mifare Access Control Wristband S50, White Medium Size, Unprogrammed
13.56MHz Mifare technology wristband makes moving through access-controlled areas quick and simple. White, medium sized and unprogrammed. Product Number: 223
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT PRX-TAG-MF-B 13.56MHz Mifare Smart Tag, Black, Unprogrammed
Durable compact design for convenient attachment to your keyring. Product Number: 310
Delivery 2-7 days.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege PRX-TAG-POS Postech Proximity Tag with Custom Site and Card Number
Compact, durable design, reliable convenience. Product Number: 324
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Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege RF-REM4-433-MF 4 Button Wiegand Fob with Mifare Proximity Tag, Unprogrammed
4 Button ICT Protege Remote Transmitter with integrated Mifare Proximity Tag for access control. Product Number: 375
Delivery 2-7 days.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege RF-REM2-433-MF 2 Button Wiegand Fob with Mifare Proximity Tag, Black, Unprogrammed
2 Button Remote Transmitter with Integrated Mifare Proximity access control. Product Number: 376
Delivery 2-7 days.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege PRX-DISC-MF 13.56MHz Mifare Proximity Disc, Black Unprogrammed
An ideal attachment to existing identification technology or PDA/Cell phone, and can be programmed with any supported format, giving you convenient swipe card access. Product Number: 393
Delivery 2-4 days.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege PRX-ISO-DF 13.56MHz DESfire Smart ISO Printable Swipe Card
Printable Proximity ISO Graphic Swipe Cards are primarily used where a slim-line card is required for photo identification. Product Number: 423
FREE Shipping. Delivery 3-4 days.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
The standard card technology commonly used for access control solutions. Product Number: 427
Product discontinued. Call for info.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
An extremely durable compact design offers the ultimate reliability and convenience. Product Number: 428
Product discontinued. Call for info.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
ICT Protege RF-REM4-433-HID 4 Button Wiegand Keychain Fob with HID Proximity Tag
4 Button Remote Transmitter with integrated HID Prox Tag, crystal locked high integration transmitter with superior performance. Product Number: 429
Product discontinued. Call for info.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
Program Card for the Nano Prox and Multi Prox series of proximity swipe card readers. Product Number: 446
Product discontinued. Call for info.
Swipe Cards Tags and Fobs
Slot punched on vertical (narrow) edge for attachment to card holding devices. Product Number: 554